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Project 2: Existing Condition Service Learning
Central Islip Rec. 555 Clayton Street, Central Islip


1. Prepare set of existing condition drawings (floor plan, elevations and estimated sections) as a team for a recreation center.

2. Measure, photograph, and examine the building.

3. Propose energy efficient upgrades center

Project 1: Residential Working Drawings


You have been contracted to prepare the working drawings/construction drawings for a single family residence for a family of 5 with the following requirements:

1. The mother uses a wheelchair so the house must be inclusive/universal designed and have a residential elevator (12 ft2 cab)

2. Energy Star Compliant

3. The building is to be sited for active and passive solar gain and screened in summer

4. 2 story over finished basement with a residential elevator, attached garage and working fireplace/chimney


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